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Embedded Module

Join the Wave Relay® Ecosystem

Introducing the most advanced, most scalable, and most efficient Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET) system in the world, now in a SWaP-timized form factor: the Embedded Module. Integrate the Embedded Module into your products to unite UAVs, UGVs, and sensors on a single network. Because the Embedded Module features an HD video encoder and Android™ computer onboard, eliminate redundant equipment from your platform.


The Embedded Module unites your unmanned system’s communication, computing, and video subsystems into a single SWaP-timized package. Replace separate and specialized equipment with a single Embedded Module that performs the same functions but takes up less space, weighs less, consumes less power, and costs fewer dollars and engineering hours to integrate. Leverage your SWaP savings to accomplish what matters most: the mission, time on station, and the payloads you carry.

Transform Your Systems Into a Network

By integrating the Embedded Module into your unmanned systems and sensors, you turn them into networked assets. Each system with an Embedded Module extends the Wave Relay MANET, allowing your users to access services - such as video or sensor data - on any node from anywhere. In addition, unmanned systems and sensors from multiple manufacturers can now communicate on a common network, giving your products more opportunities to perform.

Achieve the Vision

Fly any drone. Drive any robot. Control any camera.

The Embedded Module brings your unmanned platform into the Wave Relay® Ecosystem, where all UAVs, UGVs, sensors, and systems are networked. MPU5 radio users can now operate your platforms, watch your video feeds, and steer your cameras. By establishing a network of unmanned systems, swarming, autonomy, and collaborative behaviors are now possible. The sky is no longer the limit.


Swarming & Autonomy

Because the Embedded Module is an Android™ computer, your unmanned systems have minds of their own. Run swarming algorithms directly onboard and use the peer-to-peer Wave Relay® MANET for optimized coordination. Program systems to move into position autonomously with real-time PLI data from every node for formation and collision avoidance. Process sensor data at the source to transmit knowledge instead of a raw data stream to use the Embedded Module as a sensor input to drive machine decisions without human input. Enter the future of unmanned systems.



The Embedded Module Development Kit contains the Embedded Module, a starter cable set, the board-to-board cable, external radio mounting tray, and design documentation (ICD, CAD & STEP files) your engineering team needs to integrate the Embedded Module into your design.

Test out the variety of integration options to see what works best for you and your product. Experiment, see the vision for yourself, and bring your product into the Wave Relay® Ecosystem.

Embedded Module

Join the Wave Relay® Ecosystem

Introducing the most advanced, most scalable, and most efficient Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET) system in the world, now in a SWaP-timized form factor: the Embedded Module. Integrate the Embedded Module into your products to unite UAVs, UGVs, and sensors on a single network. Because the Embedded Module features an HD video encoder and Android™ computer onboard, eliminate redundant equipment from your platform.


The Embedded Module unites your unmanned system’s communication, computing, and video subsystems into a single SWaP-timized package. Replace separate and specialized equipment with a single Embedded Module that performs the same functions but takes up less space, weighs less, consumes less power, and costs fewer dollars and engineering hours to integrate. Leverage your SWaP savings to accomplish what matters most: the mission, time on station, and the payloads you carry.

Transform Your Systems Into a Network

By integrating the Embedded Module into your unmanned systems and sensors, you turn them into networked assets. Each system with an Embedded Module extends the Wave Relay MANET, allowing your users to access services - such as video or sensor data - on any node from anywhere. In addition, unmanned systems and sensors from multiple manufacturers can now communicate on a common network, giving your products more opportunities to perform.

Achieve the Vision

Fly any drone. Drive any robot. Control any camera.

The Embedded Module brings your unmanned platform into the Wave Relay® Ecosystem, where all UAVs, UGVs, sensors, and systems are networked. MPU5 radio users can now operate your platforms, watch your video feeds, and steer your cameras. By establishing a network of unmanned systems, swarming, autonomy, and collaborative behaviors are now possible. The sky is no longer the limit.


Swarming & Autonomy

Because the Embedded Module is an Android™ computer, your unmanned systems have minds of their own. Run swarming algorithms directly onboard and use the peer-to-peer Wave Relay® MANET for optimized coordination. Program systems to move into position autonomously with real-time PLI data from every node for formation and collision avoidance. Process sensor data at the source to transmit knowledge instead of a raw data stream to use the Embedded Module as a sensor input to drive machine decisions without human input. Enter the future of unmanned systems.



The Embedded Module Development Kit contains the Embedded Module, a starter cable set, the board-to-board cable, external radio mounting tray, and design documentation (ICD, CAD & STEP files) your engineering team needs to integrate the Embedded Module into your design.

Test out the variety of integration options to see what works best for you and your product. Experiment, see the vision for yourself, and bring your product into the Wave Relay® Ecosystem.