Persistent Systems, AEC Skyline Field Robust Wave Relay Wireless Communications Network During NATO C-UAS Trials

Held between 10 and 20 September, the latest edition of NATO’s C-UAS Technical Interoperability Exercise (TIE) brought together a wide array of military, scientific and industry experts from allied and partner nations in order to test the latest counter drone technologies. Organised by the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA) in cooperation with the Netherlands MoD, the exercise saw a wide variety of sensors, effectors and C2 resources undergoing live tests at the Lieutenant General Best barracks in De Peel, the Netherlands.

Acting through its partner in the Netherlands, AEC Skyline, Persistent Systems fielded its advanced MPU5 MANET radio and associated Wave Relay technologies in order to make sure that, in the case of mobile solutions, these C-UAS systems connected instantly and seamlessly. Personnel assigned to C-UAS TIE 24 could thus successfully test and refine various technical standards and architectures while practicing UAS detection, neutralisation and exploitation.

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