Venturing into the field of combat cloud services, AEC Skyline now launches LOWLAND, its innovative combat data transfer solution. Part of our growing critical data solutions portfolio that also encompasses network radios and secure IoT connectivity simcards, LOWLAND is powered by the award winning Secure Search & Information Exchange (S2IX) technology from Myriad Technologies. Recently, AEC Skyline and Myriad Technologies reached a cooperation agreement under which the Netherlands based company will market Myriad’s S2IX technology in the Benelux countries. Australian company Myriad Technolgies is renowned for its ability to deliver a wide range of interoperable information management products including a series of solutions based on Microsoft’s technologies. This corresponds neatly with us selecting the latter’s Azure cloud environments as part of LOWLAND’s overall architecture.
Aimed at ensuring a timely, reliable and secure transfer of critical data from the field to operational and strategic level command centres, even in denied, disrupted, intermittent and limited conditions, our LOWLAND solution enables defence forces to gather and interpret data generated by various sensors, systems using the S2IX template as it integrates with battle management systems and other platforms. Working seamlessly on all Azure cloud environments and their stack extensions, this allows a real intel driven approach by armed forces, creating a comprehensive common operating picture that ensures superior situational awareness.
With integrated data management easing planning, management and decisionmaking during multidomain operations anywhere in the world, our automated, deployable services come with multi-level security protection up to top secret, carefully balancing the need to know with the need to share at all layers of command and control. Securing the flow of information including big data between units, organisations, agencies, our S2IX powered LOWLAND combat data transfer solution ensures you have the latest version of information at your fingertips while supporting the key requirements of NATO’s Federated Mission Networking (FMN) standards.
AEC Skyline’s CEO Stef Have remarks: “Building on our experience of handling large volumes of data, this due to our ISR work that is based on full motion video and other imagery, we believe there is a growing market among armed and security forces for cloud based technology that is capable of turning data into actionable intelligence instantly while distributing, synchronising such intelligence across various C2 echelons, all this in a secure manner”.
LOWLAND has already attracted substantial interest in the defence sector and was recently tested during a multinational interoperability exercise. Later this year our combat data transfer solution will again be put to the test during a series of exercises.
LOWLAND’s full range of activities furthermore entails various relevant data migration services including systems and data analysis, technical design and implementation, essential tooling all the way to the actual migration of mission essential data and subsequent validation, all this backed by proper advice and assistance.
About AEC Skyline
AEC Skyline provides fast air, ISR support and critical data solutions to a wide range of clients including the Netherlands and coalition armed forces, the defence and aerospace industry, as well as to a number of renowned research institutes.
Operating out of Groningen Airport Eelde and Breda Airport, the company offers close air support, EW, “red air” training, target towing and remote sensing together with IT networking, systems integration solutions and consultancy services. Recently, Whisper hosting was launched, our new secure roaming services.
In addition, AEC Skyline represents some of the world’s leading OEMs in the fields of communications, IT and video encoding solutions such as L3Harris Communications, Persistent Systems, Myriad Technologies and Haivision. Recognising the growing demand for unmanned systems, AEC Skyline also partners with Elistair, the renowned tethered drone company, and with Milrem Robotics, integrating new technologies into their family of advanced UGVs.