From 16 September to 22 September AEC Skyline supported three big events, one event in Slovenia and two events in The Netherlands. In Slovenia we supported a Joint Terminal Attack Controller exercise with our Learjet. The Learjet (equipped with sensor and digital data link) delivered Close Air Support to NATO forces.
During the same period, our field team supported the 75 Years Memorial of Market Garden. Together with #Defence and #Politiedroneteam by providing a network that connects the different sites were the event took place. The network supported the early warning system to detect illegal drone activities in vicinity of the drop zones #Groesbeek #Ginkelseheide and #Arnhembrigade.
Based out of our home base Groningen-Eelde Airport we supported the Joint Terminal Attack Controller exercise Purple Windmill with our L39 Albatros and T72 and SA-8 inflatable target systems.
The L39 Albatros provided Close Air Support equipped with sensor and video down link. We are optimizing the Digital Aided Close Air Support software and data link to provide the L39 Albatros in the future with it so that we can maximize training Value for our forces on the ground.