AEC Skyline Accredited by Netherlands Military Aviation Authority

HATTRICK ! AEC Skyline is now officially accredited by the Netherlands Military Aviation Authority on MAR-OPS 1&2, MAR-M and MAR 145. These three certificates form the basis for all other received documents and notes. A first in the Netherlands we believe.

CEO Stef Have: “I am proud of the skilled team of AEC Skyline who literally spent thousands of hours on writing and implementing the OMs including SOPs. I am also very grateful for the support and guidance we received from the NLD-MAA Staff.”

Building bridges to overcome barriers
As a commercial company, AEC Skyline is compliant with both FAA and EASA regulations. The additional challenge for us is to use military aircraft equipped with ejection seats and weapons systems so we can conduct integrated training on behalf of the Netherlands MoD and NATO forces. For this we have oversight by the NLD-MAA in the Netherlands. In order for AEC Skyline to be accredited, the compliance list has now been transformed into a “matrix” with alternative means of compliance implemented and equivalence in terms of safety shown.

This is a structure that enables us to implement the latest military technologies for RD&E and to stay up front with regard to tactics and to support new procedures. Manned-unmanned teaming and Red Air are areas that will also be further explored.

It is safe to say the AEC Skyline organisation has now grown to the next level. Rest assured we as a company will continue to support our nation’s armed forces with the safest and best training available. The same goes for the armed forces of allied nations of course.

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